Dinaish Jain is student of Microeconomics (Money, Distribution, and Economic Policy). He spent the last 16 years studying rural economics, and had rich & practical working studies on the transformation of society at large, changing purchasing powers, needs, and thrust for new investment modules and Digital Delivery Mechanisms. He continues his subject working in remote tribal areas of Central India. During this, he monitored the uprising of a new segment of microeconomics and completed deep and nonpareil relevance research based on socio-economic changes and financial flow at the grassroots.
His work makes a strong case for free market economics, but he is also aware of situations where the free market could be against the public interest, for example: monopolies (emphasis & influence) using various platforms for performing “designed trade’ practices, and tricky cartelization. He used this philosophy to give insights into modern-day Economic Policy. He is an advocate of welfare economics based on the principle of maximizing utility/welfare in society. He successfully completed nascent projects like Cold Energy (Cryoprocessing), All-weather Products and Micro Money, etc. Presently preparing the feasibility report on the concept of Bullion Bank.